According to Article 3 – Law on Intellectual Property No. 11/VBHN-VPQH issued on July 8, 2022, it is stipulated that “Objects of industrial property rights include patents, industrial designs, and circuit layout designs.” semiconductor contracts, trade secrets, trademarks, trade names and geographical indications”.

Registration for protection of industrial property objects is understood as individuals/organizations registering with competent state agencies to own intellectual property that results from thinking and creative activities. of that individual/organization. This helps individuals/organizations protect their intellectual property against infringements from competitors during the business process.

Industrial property objects, specifically patents, industrial designs, semiconductor integrated circuit layout designs, business secrets, trademarks, trade names and geographical indications are assets. immaterial but has great economic and spiritual value. The issue of registration and protection of industrial property objects is increasingly being paid attention to by many businesses and organizations in today’s life.

BIGPRO Consulting Joint Stock Company is an industrial property representative organization specializing in providing services for registering industrial property objects in Vietnam and other countries around the world, meeting the filing needs. Register domestic organizations and individuals as well as foreign organizations and individuals.

Detailed information about the service of registering industrial property objects can be found at the following links:
Patents and Utility registration services;
Trademarks registration services;
Industrial Designs registration services.

BIGPRO Consultation Joint Stock Company!