Trademark registration service to other countries

Trademark registration service to other countries

According to the provisions of the Intellectual Property Law, industrial property rights to a mark are established on the basis of a decision on grant of a trademark protection title by a competent state agency.

Besides, according to the provisions of current law, trademarks are registered and protected according to the territorial principle. Therefore, when goods are exported or intended to be exported, or when they wish to perform their services in a foreign country, it is necessary for the trademark owner to promptly register his or her trademark in that country.

Form of trademark registration abroad, Owners can choose one of the following international trademark registration forms:
+ File a trademark application directly in the country where it is intended to be registered;
+ File a trademark registration application under the Madrid system (registered under the Madrid protocol or under the Madrid agreement) through the National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam;
+Registering Vietnamese trademarks abroad according to territories.

Details of the documents to be prepared when filing an international trademark application are detailed in our application instructions page.
However, the procedures in each country, each application form will be different, requiring the applicant organization/individual to research and prepare carefully, in addition to barriers. Language leads to grasp all the rules is not easy. Therefore, you should ask for the support of representative organizations when you need to register for trademark protection abroad. Asking for the help of an industrial property representative helps you save time and effort when doing it yourself, but it is not necessarily effective.

BIGPRO is an industrial property representative organization specializing in providing trademark registration services in Vietnam and internationally, meeting the needs of filing trademark applications of domestic organizations and individuals as well as domestic and foreign organizations. foreign organizations and individuals.

BIGPRO provides services related to trademark registration to other countries as follows:
+ Support the application owner to do preliminary trademark search and reference search for comprehensive results to determine the plan to file a trademark registration application;
+ Advising on the optimal form of filing for international trademark protection with customers’ conditions; at the same time check and assess the legal status of the documents provided by the customer; Drafting dossiers for trademark protection registration abroad for clients;
+ Representing clients to submit trademark registration documents abroad in the form chosen by the client;
+ Advice on signs of similarity, duplication and confusion to non-protected trademarks, elements protected in the form of trademarks and elements that are not patentable; Consulting on group classification (trademark protection) according to the Nice classification of goods and services;
+ Representing the client to monitor the records and notify the results of the submitted documents to the client; At the same time, on behalf of the client, respond to/respond to notices from the competent authority of the host country during the evaluation of the trademark registration dossier in foreign countries;
+ Representing customers to receive certificates of trademark protection.

To register for trademark protection abroad through BIGPRO, you only need to prepare the following documents:
+ Sample trademark;
+ List of products and services that need to be searched and registered for trademarks;
+ Sign the Power of Attorney according to the form of BIGPRO;
+ Documents applying for priority right (if any);
+ Pay fees as prescribed

Bigpro Consultation Joint Stock Company!


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