Patent registration service in other countries

Patent registration service in other countries

International patent registration plays a very important role when businesses want to protect and trade their products abroad.

This is a necessary procedure to protect the rights and interests of labor results and creativity of organizations/individuals of host countries around the world.

International patents registration is understood as an administrative procedure carried out at a competent state agency in Vietnam or in other countries in order to recognize their rights to patents created by copyrights themselves created or own through being granted a patent.

To be able to protect their patents in different countries, Vietnamese patent owners can choose one of the following three forms:

1. Direct patent registration in each country:

+ Patent registration by national application means that the applicant directly files an application in each country in which he or she intends to register the inventions.

+ Applications will be processed according to the regulations of each country.

2. Patent registration under the Paris Convention:

+ The owner files an application first in the country in which he wants the patent to be protected, in order to enjoy the priority rights of the earliest filing date;

+ Do not file multiple countries at the same time, but within 12 months from the filing date, the new owner will file an international patent application for the remaining countries that want to protect;

+ The processing of a National Application will depend on the laws of each country.

3. Filing an application under the PCT . Patent Treaty

+ For countries where the patent owner needs to register for protection is a member of the Patent Treaty (PCT), in addition to the direct application form under the Paris Convention, the applicant can choose to file international patent application under this treaty.

+ An applicant may file an application through the PCT system, either in person or within 12 months from the date of the first patent application filed in a member state of the Paris Convention, specifying all the countries wishing to register. on the same form, in the same language, and pay the same fee

Note that with the above forms, the patent applicant needs to apply through the representative organization of the host country.

However, the procedures in each country, each application form will be different, requiring the applicant organization/individual to research and prepare carefully, in addition to barriers. Language leads to grasp all the rules is not easy. To receive accurate legal advice regarding the filing of patent applications abroad, or simply save time for other professional work, experience our consulting service. .

BIGPRO provides services related to offshore patent registration including:
+ Advising on patent procedures and patentability in specific countries;
+ Preliminary search for inventions/utility solutions;
+ Drafting and translating descriptions and related documents;
+ Prepare dossiers for filing international patent applications;
+ Representative of the Applicant/Customer to file an international patent application and related procedures;
+ Monitor the processing of the application and respond on behalf of the Applicant/Customer to the problems arising during the application processing.

Bigpro Consultation Joint Stock Company!


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